You may not recognize that name. Her TikTok is under @domesticblisters. She's on Instagram. Her FB page is "Struggle Care". I first found out about KC through my FYP on TikTok. The very first video I watched was her time lapse on closing duties. I was astonished! You mean I don't have to function around my house, but instead my home functions around my brain?!? Mind. Blown. My silverware goes in the container that sits over the sink. Easy to find and I don't have to go through nasty stuff to grab and load it in the dishwasher. Cups go on that counter because we always forget we have one that exists with our current drink contents. On one of her TikTok videos, she mentioned this little trick. All my dirty dishes sit on the rack, usually grouped together. This way my sink is cleared throughout the day/meals and I don't have to worry about moving things around. One of my closing duties is choosing to be kind to my future self. So I make sure the dishes are don...
Why do I do this? Why do I share? Care? Dare? Is it too much? To understand me? Should I just keep things in, the suffering, pain, rage, screams? Pretend that all is well when in reality there’s a swell of fear and shame, an inner place where death wants to reign. I sit. I realize that this itself means I’m struggling, healing, choosing to let myself become a being – emotions, imperfections, messy with meaning. On the best of days I don’t want to regard the things around me - Knowing, seeing, realizing that some things will never be me. Healing from this trauma - It’s freeing The process begins - something inside -unfurl, uncurl, hurl itself - into meaning Steadies itself - Knowing that something big awaits in a blink of an eye. It’s my choice to jump in and die. The river becomes a flood - Rushing waters, rocks, branches, twists pulling and gnashing, gasping for breath, lunge in the depths, struggle amidst - Until you realize - You’re floating Into a Haven of peace - frogs croak, fis...